English 2 - Semester 2- TBD 6

Peserta: 16 Orang  Pendaftaran: Dibuka 

Untuk mahasiswa TBD 6 

Materi Pelajaran

1st Meet

This is the English 2 RPS ( Our Planning Material of This Semester)



Here, I also attach our material book for this course that you can use to study before the class. 


and here, I share our materials for this 1st meet. 

Kuliah 1.pdf

Thanks and Good luck!




2nd Meet

This is our materials for 2th meet


5th Meet

This is the material for English Course 5th meet.

English Course-5th meet.pdf

6th Meet

Here the material for our class

English Course 6th Meet.pptx

and for video example you can klik this link





Mid Term Test

There will be two (2) types of the Middle Semester Test, including: 


1. Writing Test

2. Reading Test


Please answer all of the questions clearly and honestly in 60 minutes. The test will be open from 06.00-18.00 WIB, so make sure you have good internet access and comfortable situation to work. 


Good Luck!


- All of the type of cheats that found, would be directly affected on your English Final Score- 

End Term Test

Read this Instruction Carefully!

1. There are two types of Questions in this test; Writing & Reading tests.

2. The given time for this test from 09.00 - 10.40 (100 minutes), so make sure you have good internet access.

3. Any cheating type indicate during the test will affect your final score.


Don't Forget to Pray before the test!

_Good Luck_


UJIAN AKHIR SEMESTER English 2 (Susulan)

For students who miss the exam which has scheduled this morning, 

please do this test in 100 minutes (make sure to set your own timer).

this test will open from 15.00 - 18.00.

Do it Honestly & Good Luck!

If you have finished the test, please fill the attendant form (presensi)

_Thank you_