English for Specific Purposes (ESP) 01 (A) EL 2019 2

Peserta: 2 Orang  Pendaftaran: Ditutup 

This course offers an overview of the fundamental aspects of teaching and learning English for Specific Purposes (ESP).


Materi Pelajaran


Main topics:

  1. ESP Historical Perspective;
  2. English for Specific Purposes (ESP) and English for General Purposes (EGP);
  3. ESP Characteristics and Subcategories;
  4. Objectives of Teaching and Learning ESP;
  5. ESP Learners and Teachers;
  6. ESP Materials;
  7. ESP and Content-Based Approach;
  8. Needs Assessment;
  9. ESP Course and Syllabus Design; dan
  10. Evaluation and Testing in ESP.

Part One

ESP Historical Perspective:

  1. Uses and Functions of English
  2. ESP Historical Perspective


(Wello, M. B., Dollah, S. 2008, pp. 1-6)

Part Two

English for Specific Purposes (ESP) and English for General Purposes (EGP):

  1. English for Specific Purposes (ESP)
  2. English for General Purposes (EGP)


(Wello, M. B., Dollah, S. 2008, pp. 7-12)

Part Three

ESP Characteristics and Subcategories:

  1. ESP Characteristics
  2. Subcategories of ESP


(Wello, M. B., Dollah, S. 2008, pp. 13-18)

Part Four

Objectives of Teaching and Learning ESP:

  1. Acculturation
  2. Input and Interaction


(Wello, M. B., Dollah, S. 2008, pp. 19-24)

Part Five

ESP Learners and Teachers:

  1. ESP Learners
  2. Teachers


(Wello, M. B., Dollah, S. 2008, pp. 25-34)

Part Six

ESP Materials:

  1. Selecting and Developing ESP Materials
  2. Contextualization
  3. Checklist for Evaluating Published Materials
  4. Selection and Exploitation of Authentic Materials
  5. Developing/Adapting Materials


(Wello, M. B., Dollah, S. 2008, pp. 35-54)

Part Seven

ESP and Content-Based Approach:

  1. Content-Based Approach
  2. A Rationale for Content-Based Language Teaching
  3. ESP and Content-Based Instruction
  4. Models of Content-Based Instruction

(Wello, M. B., Dollah, S. 2008, pp. 55-64)

Part Eight

Needs Assessment:

  1. Steps in Needs Analysis
  2. Approaches to Needs Analysis/Assessment
  3. Philosophies of Needs Assessment
  4. Who Will be Involved in Needs Analysis?
  5. A Target Situation Analysis Framework
  6. Types of Instruments


(Wello, M. B., Dollah, S. 2008, pp. 65-86)

Part Nine

ESP Course and Syllabus Design:

  1. ESP Course Design
  2. Factors Affecting ESP Programs

(Wello, M. B., Dollah, S. 2008, pp. 87-98)